Always record the screen + log.

Reduce time by 30% for the QA testers’ bug reproduction and the developers’ bug fixing.

In the QA team, Attach the automatically recorded video + log as a link

See videos in real time!
As soon as you find a bug, you can check out the video.
Crop easily
Information such as log · device · OS version is also saved.
Share to existing tools
Share links to existing tools such as Jira, Notion, and Slack.

The development team will love the synced play of logs and video frames.

- Logs can be applied to any kind of event. -

PC/Mac 앱 상시녹화 SDK를 사용하고 싶으세요?

QA팀의 버그 재현과, 개발팀의 버그수정에 쓰는 시간을 30% 줄여 보세요.